Sunday 22 January 2012

Astrology Tips for Working for the Employees & Bosses in the New Year – 2UE 15th January 2012

Aries:                        The Aries boss is a natural born leader and they will often forget that they need to take you with them to get the job done.  Just remind them that you’re there and ready and willing to follow their lead.

Taurus:                     The Taurus Boss is no stranger to structure and they stand for their personal power, give them a reason to think outside the square and let them think it’s their idea.

Gemini:                     The Gemini boss is full of great ideas, so let them know that you think their ideas are great and act enthusiastic with them.  You’ll have them eating out of your hand.

Cancer:                     Cancerian bosses like to make everyone feel a part of their team.  Let them know that you appreciate their efforts to include you in their plans and be ready to cooperate when asked.  They’ll always keep you in mind when they need to look after someone.

Leo:                           Leo bosses appreciate loyalty and individuality.  They like to know where they stand and they will certainly let you know where you stand.  Let them know that they look good and you think they have a flair for leadership.

Virgo:                        Virgo bosses like to analyse everything and they are workaholics.  Don’t wait for them to ask you to do something, offer your services and they will be give you the respect you deserve.

Libra:                         Libran bosses like to sit on the fence.  Make it easy for them by giving them all the facts straight up.  They have an eye for beauty and love peace and harmony in the workplace. 

Scorpio:                   The Scorpio boss is very resourceful and has a plan a, b, c and d.  Let them know that you are a wonderful resource for them to rely on and they will see you as an asset and keep you in mind for the next project and maybe even a promotion when it comes up.

Sagittarius:              Sagittarian bosses like to expand on every detail when they are giving an explanation.  Listen intently and try not to look bored, they will quiz you when they are finished their story.

Capricorn:                Capricorn bosses appreciate effectiveness and efficiency and they don’t like to be made a fool of so make sure you take your job seriously and pay attention to the structure that they are working with. 

Aquarius:                  Aquarian bosses like interesting and unconventional ideas.  They appreciate the social aspect of the workplace, so make sure that you are in a good mood when you go to work and get that social club started, they will be your first member.

Pisces:                      Piscean bosses like to keep a calm and peaceful environment.  They have an appreciation for sensitivity and they like to know that you are willing to get along with everyone. Try not to create waves unnecessarily and go with their flow.

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